Saturday, October 24, 2009

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this crime scene...

Here are a few clues:
They're all left shoes!
They were in a pile in the family room!
I threw in the wooden shoe just to make it interesting! It was close by.
The cowboy boot was worn to a halloween party!
If I'd had time, I would have made something looking like cow dung for the fugitive's right foot!

Pat yourself on the back if you figured out these shoes belong to Brian!!!
He's actually been doing pretty good in the pick up department. I just noticed the pile of shoes today and thought it was pretty funny. He has kept his room clean and it doesn't smell. So all in all, I think he's grateful to be home and is not rocking the boat. We don't know where or when he'll get a post operative 6 week check-up. We're waiting to hear if he needs to go back to Boise or we can find someone down here to put on a walking cast. He may have to wait an extra week...

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